Sunday, May 17, 2015


          How to be bikini ready : by a bikini. Self love is so important. I have struggled with self love since 3rd grade. Of course, there have been moments of complete and utter satisfaction with myself. And everyone has moments of feeling down in the dumps. I just have to remember, WE have to remember, that there is no right way to have a body. There is no right hair cut or style. We are all so different that there can be no comparison. It does not make sense to compare apples to oranges. When the right person comes along and you are there trying to hide the true you, they won't even notice you. You have to always be yourself or you will surround yourself with people that you do not want to associate with. You will end up with people who are all trying to be alike and fit in. If anyone has ever read the poem by Shel Silverstein called "Masks" perfectly describes why being yourself is so important. It is linked HERE.  Do yourself a favor, and go read it! It is so short and beautiful and I am in love with it. It perfectly describes the problem with hiding the true you. Although I stress how important it is to not hide who you are, a lot of people are still finding themselves. It is so hard to really find the person that you feel happiest being. I still don't think I have found it yet.
          Back to loving your body... many people say they think everyone should love their body and should be confident and happy but are not like that themselves. I'm not calling anyone out! I understand how hard it can be to accept yourself 100% and not care what others think. In fact, my favorite Youtube video EVER is the "Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen" video. In it, Baz Luhrmann gives the advice to remember compliments you are given and forget the insults. He then goes on to say if you succeed in doing this, teach me how. This is exactly what I am saying. We have to imagine ourselves as little girls that need our protection. We need to love ourselves in order to live life to the fullest. You will not realize what you are missing until you start loving yourself. Whether you meet a man or a woman that you fall head over heels for, they will want you to love yourself too. If you are reading this right now and thinking that you will never find anyone then you are completely ridiculous. Take my word on this one... THERE IS SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW THAT IS BEING LED ON A PATH TO YOU AND EVEN THOUGH YOU DON'T KNOW IT, YOU TOO ARE BEING LED ON A PATH TO THEM.  This is a fact. Everyone is capable of love and we need to remember that. We are capable of loving others and ourselves. Without love life is Doris Day at The Apollo or a door marked "DO NOT ENTER". Baby I'll be yours forever cause I never want to be without loooooooove! OOPS the inner Broadway is coming out of me:/ Anyway life without love is awful SO LOVE WITH NO FEAR AND LOVE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN.

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