Saturday, May 16, 2015


          Everyone has their opinion on eyebrows. It is just a fact. Whether you think they should be small and defined, or big and wild, or all natural... eyebrows are no different than hairstyles or fashion statements. They provide us with emotion and expression. Go test it out right now. Look in the mirror, cover up your eyebrows, and try to look confused. Pretty hard right?
          One of the hardest things in the world is trying to get your eyebrows perfect. I have never had eyebrows that were the same. Always sisters not twins... although sometimes mine are more like cousins... Anyway my point is that people should not be judged bases on their eyebrow quality. This is very hard to do, I understand. But eyebrows are just like ice ream flavors. Not everyone like mint chocolate chip and not everyone likes strawberry. But people aren't like oh I don't like that person because they eat chocolate ice cream. I have to admit, my eyebrows look like caterpillars right now. I just don't have time to get them done. This brings me to another point that I would like to bring up. You should always take time to care for yourself. Spend money on yourself. Pamper yourself. Treat yourself someone you love. Because you should LOVE your body.
          Eyebrows to me are a sign of empowerment and strength. Is that weird? It's like when I have my brows done, I can take on the world. And remember you can.

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