Friday, May 1, 2015


 MOVIES???? I'd rather stay home with my mom on a Friday night and watch movies than go to a party. And trust me I love a good party as much as the next troubled high schooler. But movies make everything better. It's like being able to go to another world for two hours and pause the outside world. The credits at the end of an amazing movie are probably on my top 10 list of things that make me sad. That's why immediately after I finish one good movie, I have to find another. So keep reading to find a list of 5 of my favorite underrated movies that will come in handy if you want to spend 10 hrs of movie watching.

                   One of my favorite movies is Leap Year ( TRAILER HERE:) ) The most underrated movie ever. The pictures you're about to see really do not give it justice. It looks like a Hallmark movie that no one has ever seen (sorry hallmark... most of your movies are great) but everyone knows what I mean. So this movie is about a young (25) girl (played by Amy Adams) who is always waiting on her boyfriend (Adam Scott) to propose to her. She is finally fed up with him and decides to take matter into her own hands. She decides to secretly follow him to Ireland and decides to propose to him on Leap Year (it's an old tradition that women propose to men on leap day). So, she meets a man (Matthew Goode) on the way and I'm not going to say what happens but I think we can all guess. It's funny and the cutest thing since the video of the baby panda sneezing (click here to watch that! ). Anyway if you love rom-coms (why did I say that) then this movie is what you need to watch ASAP!

Number 2: PROM. Coincidentally prom is coming up. But this movie is full of relationships. And I want to be a part of every one. I kinda lied in the first movie description because this movie is probably the most underrated ever. It has romance, and comedy (lol rom-com) and it makes you feel crazy warm and cute inside. It has cute boys with even cuter personalities. I don't want to even try to explain it because I know that I won't do it justice. This is one of those movies that I watch in bed the day before a big test, to take my mind off things. This movie is like having a boyfriend, without having to have a boyfriend. This movie is like eating without gaining weight. This movie is like shopping without having to pay. O.K. that's all.  CLICK HERE FOR THE TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!

 3........FUN SIZE....... another kid's movie........oops. But this is another UNDERRATED MOVIE. If I have to type that for every description, I will. But this movie stars Victoria Justice as Wren, a girl who loses her brother the night of Halloween and is also summoned by the cutest guy in school (actually played by the guy with long hair in Prom-see picture above with milkshakes lol) and is also being crushed on by one of her bffs, Roosevelt, played by Thomas Mann. It's again one of the greatest movies of all time and makes my heart melt every time I watch it. Yes, the ending made me cry. But DISCLAIMER: this is actually not really a kids movie so DO NOT watch with kids under 13... or whatever. What I'm trying to say is it's not really a kids movie... just a teenage movie. WOOO TRAILER HERE!!!

And coming in at number 4 is 500 Days Of Summer. This movie makes me look at love completely differently (this is not B.S.). This movie is about a girl  (Zooey Deschanel) who meets a guy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and he falls in love with her and you know the story. But the movie is based on the fact that you might think you are in love with someone, when in reality, you are in love with the person you made them be. SPOILER: In the end they break up and it actually flashbacks to times when he was so caught up in love that he missed all these signs that she clearly wasn't falling for him as hard as he did for her. And in the end, it was no one's fault. We'd like to blame it on the girl even though, she did nothing wrong. It's not her fault that she doesn't like him. That's how love works. The best part though is the last scene that makes you realize that love will always find you and maybe you needed to go through heartbreak to see that. Overall it's the ultimate love story and makes me want to call up the kid that sits behind me in math and ask him on a date. You know how this works... click here for the trailer:)

Ok here we are at number 5 already. So the last completely underrated movie I will talk about is Beautiful Girls. This movie should be considered a classic. But it's not. This movie is about these 10 friends go back to their hometown for a high school reunion. When the star, Timothy Hutton, arrives home, he doesn't only have to face his problems but also help his friends through everything they are going through.  It's such a funny movie and I just adore every part of it. AND ROSIE O'DONNEL IN THIS MOVIE IS AMAZING!!!!!! There are so many good quotes from this movie but I'll just put this one, said by Natalie Portman playing Marty, " I'm 13... but I've got an old soul." Ok so that does not sound as good on my blog as it does in the movie but just watch it and see for yourself. da link for da trailer lies here so click it.

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