Tuesday, May 12, 2015


         Hello blog babies! Anyone ever been in a situation where there is this person who always acts like a jerk but everyone just ignores it because that's just how they always are? I'm so done with people like that. I am not going to put up with, "Oh, well you know, that's just how they are, they can't help it." Like, ok so because I am usually a descent person, when I freak out everyone is like WHATS HER PROBLEM JEESE. It just doesn't seem fair. It is not okay for someone to be able to act unkindly and everyone just has to deal with it. I read this thing one time and it said that the moment someone takes your happiness away, you should stop associating with them. I pretty much agree with this. Every once in a while a really good friend might accidently say something that rubs you the wrong way and that is ok. And it is ok for you to be mad at them for a little. Make sure they make an effort to make up for it though. And if they actually said something to deliberately make you feel bad about yourself, then drop them like a hot potato. I have these two friends, more like sisters actually, who I can honestly say have never made me feel bad about myself. Yes, they have gotten on my nerves, trust me, but that happens. I go to school with this girl who is always so sweet and she has a friend who is very cold to everyone and everyone likes her because she has a very dry humor (that's one thing we have in common). So, one time the friend made fun of the sweet girl's dress. The girl was obviously hurt and kind of started ignoring her friend. After class she told her other friend about this and they said something like, " That is awful, but you know how she is. She can't help it." ARE YOU KIDDING ME. No one should make fun of anyone. PERIOD. It should stop happening! Thank you for letting me rant. I will close with something my second grade teacher always used to say... "I'll get off my soap box now."

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