Tuesday, May 5, 2015


So, I stayed home from school today because I feel kinda sick. And also because everyone needs to take a day off sometimes. Oh, and I had a big presentation today and I was like no thank you. Anyway today we will be talking about making vision boards!!! Isn't that exciting? I know they have tutorials for these everywhere but I'm still doing one. I'll post again today. Now grab your visions and a board and lets get this started.
               Vision Boards are suppose to remind you what you want from the precious life that you have. They are used to inspire you, and are proven to sub-consciously make you work towards those things. They are suppose to make you happy. Do not put anything on the board that might stress you out. Just sit down and think of all the things that you want to accomplish. It definitely does not have to be money, a degree, a man, a job etc... In fact only one of those things are on my board. Also just to clarify that putting cute boys on your board does not mean you think that you need boys or a relationship to make you happy. It just means that you see one in your future. Anyway do not be ashamed to put everything you like and want on this board. It is yours and does not have to be shared with anyone.


  • Find old magazines, go on Pinterest, We Heart It, Tumblr, whatever you like, and find pictures, quotes, and anything inspiring or anything that makes you happy. Some good magazines are Oprah, Teen Vogue, Vogue, Nylon, Seventeen, etc... EX: If you are looking for love... a picture of a couple. Want to eat healthier... pictures of healthy food. Need workout motivation... a picture of your goal body. Love fashion... pictures of your fave outfits. If you see anything that you are drawn to then just rip it out! You get the idea. Add quotes too. Especially ones that remind you to be a better person and bring a smile to your face.


  • Now find a board... any kind. Or just a piece of paper... whatever you want. This does not require a trip to Target or Michaels. Trust me, it will look pretty no matter what. You can also use the boards that have like the wine cork back. Don't know what they are called.


  • Arrange the photos that you chose onto the board. Take out anything that does not appeal to you anymore. If you need more pictures then just go back to step 1.


  • Glue the photos down once you are sure of their arrangement. I like using stick glue but it doesn't matter. Remember that you will change this board many times. Adding pictures and taking off pictures... your life is always changing along with your goals. Add things like glitter or lace or ribbon. You can even put your picture in the middle of the board. It should be a picture where you are having fun, or one that you look happy in.


  • Hang your board somewhere that you will see it every morning. In your bathroom or on the wall next to your bed.



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