Wednesday, April 29, 2015


 Fashion Icons??? I remember being in sixth grade and looking up online "how to become a fashion icon?". I was very into Audrey Hepburn at the time and I remember one video specifically saying that she cast such a large shadow in the fashion world that no one has been able to come out of. I was so determined to be that one girl who became the epitome of fashion. Although, I was never quite able to come up with a fashion sense of my own and that is something that I still struggle with today. Do I want to be a person that dresses like they go to Coachella everyday or someone who wears all black and slicks back their bobbed hair with a black coach purse on their arm. Or do I want to be someone that wears a dress everyday or someone that brings back classic 80's looks. I STILL HAVE NO IDEA. But to help me on this fashion journey, I have many timeless icons that inspire me to wear what I love (again, still not clear on what that is). So every week, I will be doing one post about a person whose closet I admire.

               Today's post is about Molly Ringwald in Pretty in Pink and Sixteen Candles. She was so

fearless. Her outfits were a reflection of her and I think that is so important in fashion. She found a way to have fun with her wardrobe. Everything about her characters were so different than everyone else. That iconic boyish bob was so unique and cool. The black trench coat she wore with the sewn on pink buttons and the hat with mix match buttons in Sixteen Candles was such a statement! My favorite part of Pretty in Pink was the one dangling earring she wore. Everything about the two characters was so not put together that it was! Some people absolutely hate the clothes from these two movies but to me, it wasn't even about the clothes. It was the fact that she was wearing them with confidence.  From her circle glasses to her eighty's white sneakers she was everything I aspire to be when it comes to fashion and style.
ps- I had to remove the pretty photos because of owner rights and stuff... I'm working on it though:)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


If anyone has ever seen the picture of that sign outside of that little cafĂ© and it says something about the kinds of people that aren't allowed to come inside ( linked here ). This is how I want this website to be. I think everyone should be able to rock on regardless of others opinions. So, as you can tell by the title... Tavi Gevinson is one of my many idols. I love how unique she is and how she has such courage. In this video Tavi says how boys were almost frustrated that she was not dressing for them. It is so sad to think that SOME boys actually think that. Girls think that about boys too. I LOVE FASHION. I love looking good for myself and I love looking in the mirror and loving my outfit. I'm sure I'm not alone on this. Fashion is a way to express yourself, and whether it's wearing booty shorts and a crop top everyday or overalls and bedazzled boots, it's your choice! Wear what you want! Have fun with fashion! I act like this is such an easy thing, but of course it's not. I struggle with it everyday when I get up for school and have to figure out what to wear. So that is what I want this blog to be about. A journey towards loving yourself and taking time for yourself. Be your own you and express that in your clothes! Thank your for reading such a rookie entry. Much love to you all.